Apr 24, 2008

i love bananas, i know that mangoes are sweet. <3

friend drew ths pic during event decoration and materials lecture today cuz we were all kinda getting bored. she drew it on the lecture paper. oh. and friend is suppose to be me. like lol. haha. and we handed up like 2 TWO grp projects today lar, or rather 1 handed up and 1 going to hand up. not sure the going to hand up handed up liao not cuz its with my grp member doing editing just now. okey, i'm just typing whatever that came to my mind so it's okey if you have no idea what i'm typing. >.<

and yay, finally manage to get my class picture. 'gop' (or however u spell it lar) from someone. haha. but this is only part of my class. there are 21 ppl and there are only 4 guys out of the 21 ppl. haha. poor guys, we are like forever disturbing then indirectly/directly. so uncivilised. tks tks. this was like taken during flag day like almost 2 weeks ago.

btw, the hand sign is not that we are trying to act cute(not that we meed to act, lol), but it kinda means our class, DEPM/FT/1A03

OKEY. now this is random. me and friend(a.k.a. karol ), stared at this sigh for like 30sec to 1 min yesterday on our way home and found it pretty amusing. cuz i have no idea what it means. i guess is not playing ball while jumping/dancing or smt like that. but skinny(a.k.a jia yan) say it looks like do not play ball while sticking your butt out when i showed it to her today. hahahaha.

and i tried this yesterday during lunch. mango + strawberry. and i had another cup, banana + strawberry, when i was doing a grp project yesterday. its like damn super addictive lar. haha. random again.

Apr 17, 2008

more charity work.

the "FUNnest" lesson we had today was like with mr chin. we where just all laughing when we saw him this afternoon lar. contract law was ok cuz the teacher shared with us her event experience. event deco was getting a little tiring cuz there was too much slide and pictures and stuff and some not so important things. well, and event experience with mr chin, our perspnal tutor (PT), its our first lessson and we were getting a little uncontrollable. but its a lessson i woulden mind sitting there listening today. me and karol almost wanted to run back to class after a toilet break so as to not miss stuff. haha. and my lesson starts at 1pm 2moro. yeah!!!

Apr 16, 2008

2nd day of "proper" school

yesterday and today was like damn slack lar. POLY LIFE ROXXX!! haha. but its only the first week, so we shall see how it goes when lesson really begins. my modules are like damn cool lar. got event drawing and design, event IT, then donno what event deco, and there's like even LAW!! (not the type where u can become lawyer, just some basin knowledge on not breaking the law while doing event. i think.) haha. so cool right??!! i know u guys are like Sooooooooo damn jealous. hahaha. and my time table for tuesday rock too, like reach school at 10:00am and can go home at 1:30pm. slacking!!! hope to see u guys soon, miss ya ppl : SQUATTERS & ex-1t18 & cj shooting ppl & my sec/pri school classmates & not forgetting my beloved COUSINS too <3<3

Apr 12, 2008

SP flag day!!

SP flag day was yesterday. was suppose to meet at 8am at boon lay mrt but i was well, a little late. just a little. ok. whatever. its was kinda fun but the result was not as good as we expected. i collected $27.80!! so damn good right. like real. haha. last year top collected like $300 plus plus, donno how this SP senior did it. but it was fun still.
had donno what freashmen party after that but i didden really enjoy it.
missing squatter, 1t18, and blah blah.

Apr 8, 2008


first day at sp. kinda got lost cuz the whole poly is damn big. just anyhow walk aroung till i found where i'm suppose to go. heng we stay in the classroom the whold day so dont have to find my way around too much. but the going home finding the exit part was funny cuz most oof us were lost and can't find the way to the mrt and stuff, so we took out the map, which didden really help much but was better than nothing,and somehow or other manage to find my way home :D haha. but the journey takes bout 1 hour plus. still finding a shorter way to get to schoool!

Apr 3, 2008

another day...

cant you see that i'm so so so damn bored??!!
haha, so bored that i baked a small cake today.
5 more days to 7th april.
counting down...
poly life gonna start soon (:

Apr 2, 2008


another boring day at home. didden even realise today's april fool day till i saw some donno what april fool's show. guess i've been stuck at home for too long. 6 more days to 7th april. orientation will begin and hopefully i will meet nice ppl. cant wait. but i'm still feeing a little nervous.