Feb 4, 2010

10 things I hate about people taking the MRT

1. Healthy people who sits on the priority seats when the train is quite empty but act like they are busy/refuse to give up seat when they see those who are in need.
2. Irritating ACT COOL people, mostly guys, blasting their music while listening with ear piece allowing the WHOLE cabin to be able to sing-a-long with their song.
3. People who just smoked and thus have super bad breath standing beside me and I have no where else to move to so I can only 忍.
4. People who wants to get into the train but refuse to give way to allow those in the train to get out. They push in, others push out. Result = equal force on opposite direction = stationary. In the end... They can't get in and have to wait for the next train.
5. People falling asleep and the head leans towards me.
6. Couple PDA-ing throughout the while journey.
7. People who don't want to move towards the middle of the train cabin.
8. People who just can't say the word "escuse me" but just pushes their way around.
9. Kia-Su people aiming for empty seats and rushing for it the moment someone gets off a seat.
10. People leaning on the WHOLE holding pole when it's damn crowded, causing others to not be able to hold and have support.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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