Jan 20, 2013

偶尔会想起一些小事情,想告诉你但时机不对, 会有点儿奇怪。我又怕等一下会忘记,所以便把它给记录下来了。


那天放学后,我就陪着你到你家去。回家的路上,你没什么理会我。大概是应为学校的某些事,在加上你又刚好生病,所以心情不太还吧。我一直问你‘这么了‘, 但你只摇摇头。你保持着沉默,一直到了你家。


也不知过了多久,你突然从座位站了起来,转过身看着我。你说:‘我刚才好像对你有一点儿兇hor? Sorry ah~'


Jan 6, 2013


It has been a/an ___________ journey with you.

I was once clueless of what is "love". A word so big that I could only understand the love that I have for/ and from my family.

A love that I was taught to have since the day I was born.
A love I was given even before I was born.

A love for stanger? Or maybe a friend? Or even someone of the opposite sex.

Well, I do kinda get it - get it. From watching drama. Or a romance movie. Or maybe from a friend in love. And most other parts from... well... maybe my grandparents. And... maybe from my parents when I was kinda really much much muchhhhh younger.

It was really quite a journey to like you as a friend. And to like you more than a friend. Then to the stage of more than like you but not exactly love. To well, where we are now.

I'm sorry it took me more than quite a while.

I once said I didn't know whether it's love.
More than knowing whether it's love or not, I didn't know exactly what love is.
But you... you got me to understand it, know it, and feel it.

So... continue to draw my focus to you and you only!

I love you, my Lion King! <3
P.S And also sometimes my kitty. =P

Muacksss (: