Jan 10, 2010



was flipping through photo albums yesterday and found many of my pics of me performing.
started ballet when i was 4 or 5 years old. and i quited at around 7 or 8 years old because of a stupid performance which i was a fish with thick eye liner (didn't realise i had eye liner on before i saw the picture) and a fish mouth drawn on with red lip stick. it was really UGLY. but it was stupid of me that i quited ballet just for this stupid reason.

but it didn't ended there. i still continued with chinese dance in pri 1 & 2. which i later changed school and joined sports cca like netball, skipping. brownie was also included. then in secondary school, i joined guitar ensemble which i totally did not benefit much. have no idea why dance did not attracted me that much. maybe cuz there was too much modern which boreds me sometimes.

i was attracted to latin dance when i was in secondary school. my mummy said she will send me to some dance school or get some teacher to teach me but it all ended up with nothing. dancesport totally caught my attention when i got into SP. and i really enjoyed learning this new dance. till now, i would still spin around and do some latin moves out of a sudden while walking around my house even after i left the club.

the thing that i hated badly was how time was not properly spent which was a waste of my time.
and that the club was becoming more and more competitive that the new system really irritated me. and DS was taking up so much of my time that i have no spare time for my own other things. it was not a bad thing that they are more competitive. it was just NOT MY KIND OF THING. i was not born a competitor. I AM A PERFORMER. i enjoy the stage, the audience, the feeling of achievement that i get after every performance. and i hate competition...

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