Jul 26, 2008

finally - it's over


totally a chaotic day.
the day is finally here and we were all totally frantic.
things were missing.
stuff undone.
not enough time.
dirty tables that are totally gross.
booths not done when event already started.
and blah blah blah.
but these taught us some important lessons.
and these are experience we have to learnt from.

didden take any pics with my camera.
but will ka pok from my friends asap.
was quite an AWESOME day.
and there are some other stuffs that happened:

pledge taking board only half filled.
some women came to complain bout her coupon.
someone lost it and she wants to complain bout it online.
was like asking me got any web site that she can complain not.
totally wth. its a free event and she's complaining.
the residents at there are powerful.
the first person to get to the bonus game(1quiz+9stations) was a rather old aunty! totally OMG.
some little boy (bout p4??) called me aunty!!
like hello.. do i look like an aunty???!!

anyway. it was a good experience.
was gald to be able to solve whatever problem on the spot.
was satisfied when i settle the complain of the lost coupon.
am beginning to enjoy EVENTS.

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