Jul 20, 2008


internet's lagging so i cant post any pic.
(sry skinny, i'll try to upload them by end of today : Sunday)

went to tighten my braces today.
wanted red and white but there wasen any white. (red + white = SG flag)
wanted black and gold but there wasen any gold left ( just tot that gold is cool)
so in the end it became red and black.

i got to the dental clinic late cuz i left my house late and i forgot to bring my ez-link card out so i had to go back to get it. memory failing me these days. i think not only me. there are others out there too. been losing my stuffs in school, forgetting to bring stuff which i just reminded myself a few minutes or even seconds ago. and i need more determination to wake up early.

so got to dental late, finish tightening braces late, which ended up with me meeting skinny and karol late for our project. but karol was later than me. so sry skinny. made u wait again. ok. fine. sry karol for making u wait for the past 2 days too.

anyway. we finally manage to finish up the backdrop for the stage model.
i dont know what else to blog about for now.
wait till i upload the pic soon.
need to sleep now.
i have to wake up ealy to go church for cell tomorrow.
cant be late always. must tell myself to wake up!
so nite nite. or rather good morning.

just wanted to add another thing. i think blogging is good cuz it one of the fastest way to be updated bout the ppl u care bout. so ppl. dont lag! update your blogs! ill try to do so too :)

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